Pigment Issues? Get IPL Photofacial near Denver, Colorado

IPL Photofacial (aka Fotofacial) involves the use of Intense Pulsed Laser Light targeting your pigmentation problems like sun damage, red spots, Rosacea, and brown spots. When bright light passes through the epidermis region, it draws out the cells producing pigments and disperses uneven skin pigments. The skin specialists for IPL photofacial near Denver use this method for the shoulders, neck, legs, face, chest, arms, and back as well as other parts of the body as required. This treatment works quite well for other issues that you might face such as the presence of spider veins or broken veins.

Studies conducted at Stanford University showed that the photofacial technique genuinely reverses the various aging signs so that you start appearing visibly younger. One can treat a wide variety of issues with IPL photofacial such as freckles, redness, red or brown spots, rosacea, spider veins, pigment imperfections, and sun damage. Rosacea is a condition where there is enlargement of blood vessels in the face that might make you self-aware or feel embarrassed.

Working of IPL Photofacial near Denver, Colorado

This involves the use of intense pulsed light emitting multiple wavelengths to your skin. It targets the cells producing pigments that lie below the skin surface effectively. There is a conversion of light energy to heat energy destroying the melanin-producing hyperactive cells present inside the skin layers and this disperses the pigmented areas eventually. Some Golden estheticians offer IPL photofacial near Denver to pull your skin-spots to surface so that they turn into coffee-ground-like texture flaking off later to reveal radiant and beautiful skin as people like it in Denver.

What Makes You the Candidate for Fotofacial IPL?

You may not be a good candidate for Fotofacial IPL if you have a tan, melasma, or high Fitzpatrick score. The rays of the light have an attraction for the pigments so this might discolor the darker tones on your skin and there is a further darkening of the melasma patches. To get the most effective results the skin specialists recommend 3-5 treatments typically and these are at the interval of 4 weeks each. The best treatment areas to cover with the photofacial technique are the arms, legs, hands, shoulder, chest, face, and the neck region. At these places, the results of the procedure remain most prominently visible after Fotofacial IPL.

This is not a painful procedure and all you experience is little discomfort such as the feeling of a snapping rubber band on your skin. The treatment length depends upon the area under the treatment and number of the passes your aesthetician makes upon the area. For example, getting treatment on the face is going to take around 45 minutes. Over time there is an improvement in the results you get from the photofacial procedure so that you can get the best results 3 months after your last treatment.

To make the results of the procedure long term you have to follow the skincare maintenance and the sun protection regimen that the aestheticians give you. Overexposure and sunburns are the things to avoid once you have undergone the Fotofacial IPL to improve your skin tone and appear refreshed and youthful.
